A significant traumatic experience can happen at any age. By their nature, these experiences strain our natural ability to cope and mentally adjust. Most adults handle this strain well and gradually regain their mental equilibrium. This is also true for teenagers. However, compared to adults, teens have a more challenging time coping effectively with trauma. Teens coping with trauma also have relatively higher chances of needing a trauma therapy program. Fortunately, you can take steps to help your teenager cope in the aftermath of traumatic events.
You can explore the option of teen trauma therapy and some of the most widely recommended tips for teens coping with trauma with our caring and compassionate team. Contact Imagine Fort Collins online or call 888.291.2309 today to learn how teens can cope with trauma in our teen trauma therapy program in Colorado.
The Impact of Traumatic Experiences on Teenagers
The human ability to cope effectively with trauma is primarily connected to the process of brain development. Simply put, the closer you get to adulthood, the better you become at recovering from extreme stress. The average adult is relatively well-developed in this area. However, in teenagers, the process is still ongoing. For this reason, teens tend to have a lower coping capacity.
What’s more, compared to adults, teenagers overwhelmed by trauma can respond in different, age-related ways. Specific common responses include:
- Pulling back from contact with friends, family, or other loved ones
- Avoiding talking about their experiences or any other kinds of reminders
- Becoming unusually angry or belligerent
- Starting or increasing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
- Performing less well at school
- Developing or increasing destructive, disruptive, or antisocial behavior
Your teen may also lose interest in things they once enjoyed or have trouble sleeping or concentrating. In addition, they may experience physical symptoms such as headaches or abdominal distress.
5 Tips for Teens Coping with Trauma
Parents and other caregivers are typically well-positioned to help teens affected by trauma. That’s true because they play a prominent role in teenagers’ lives. What can you do to help your child? Widely recommended tips for teens coping with trauma include such things as:
- Creating a daily living environment that helps your child feel safe and supported
- Giving them the freedom to express their feelings and talk about what happened
- Establishing a reliable household routine
- Being patient as your child makes their adjustments to what happened
- Encouraging them to eat well and get regular exercise and sleep
Many teens also benefit from meditation, breathing exercises, and other forms of stress relief. In addition, you may want to schedule some fun activities for your child and family.
When to Consider Teen Trauma Therapy
When thinking of how teens can cope with trauma, it’s important to remember one key fact. Home-based efforts to help affected teenagers don’t always work. Instead, your child may need help from a professional therapist. How do you know if you’ve reached a point where you should consider teen trauma therapy? As a rule, seek treatment if your child seems to be getting worse or develops issues such as:
- Extreme or persistent depression or sadness
- Emotional numbness
- Flashbacks, i.e., reliving a traumatic event while awake
- A heightened startle response
Some of these signs point to the presence of clinical depression. Others point to acute stress disorder (ASD) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Teens coping with trauma can use therapy to support recovery from each of these conditions.
Enroll Your Child in a Teen Trauma Therapy Program at Imagine Fort Collins
Want more information on how teens can cope with trauma? Get the answers you need today at Imagine Fort Collins. We specialize in helping teenagers with substance abuse problems who are also affected by other mental health issues. That includes help for teens coping with trauma. Just call us today at 888.291.2309 or contact us online. We’re standing by with advice and guidance on enrolling in any required teen trauma therapy.