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What Is Crisis Intervention?

teen and mom learning what is a crisis intervention

Mental health is one of the defining issues and struggles of our time. Teenagers may be suffering from a mental health disorder or have a behavior issue that is impacting every aspect of their lives. Crisis intervention may be needed to safely address the issues and get them to accept professional care. Our crisis intervention services allows families to safely and effectively begin this conversation and take the first steps toward recovery together. Reach out to Imagine Fort Collins online today or call us at 888.291.2309 to learn more about our intervention services.

What Is Crisis Intervention?

No parent thinks they will ever need to have a crisis intervention for teens, but 75% of mental health challenges emerge during adolescence. This is where a crisis intervention comes in. One additional concern is that 25% of Americans who begin using drugs and alcohol as teens will develop an addiction later in life. If you believe your teen is struggling with a mental health disorder or severe behavioral issue, and if you’re worried they are turning to substances, you are not alone. A crisis intervention for teens may be able to help.

A crisis intervention is a conversation, not a confrontation. An intervention for teens is also not punishment. Starting to get help in an intervention program at Imagine Fort Collins doesn’t even mean that your child will need intensive treatment, but it might just save their life. An intervention will be a discussion where you are able to express your concerns about your teenager’s struggles.

Crisis Intervention for Teen Mental Health Concerns

When you have tried everything else, a crisis intervention can be the next step. Our intervention services intervene on behalf of parents while keeping you actively involved throughout the process. Our intervention services for teens can be helpful if your teen is:

  • Sad
  • Hopeless
  • Self-harming
  • Experimenting with drugs or alcohol
  • Suicidal

When you partner with us, you’ll have access to the guidance you need to help your family heal.

Build Your Case

Before starting a crisis intervention for teens, it is crucial that you put in the work to build your case for why you want to have this important conversation. Collect evidence of their dangerous behaviors or harmful actions and establish the points you will make during the intervention. Doing the work in these early stages will increase the likelihood that your intervention will have a successful outcome. Some questions to ask yourself before this event include:

  • Why is this intervention important?
  • Why are you addressing your concerns right now?
  • What actions and behaviors have you concerned?
  • How are the issues negatively impacting your teen?

If you feel that your teen is in dire need of help, an intervention at Imagine Fort Collins can help you address these issues with urgency and professional experience.

Try a Professional Crisis Intervention

Our experts help parents like you, caring moms and dads who are seeking a professional and caring team to help their teens. Early intervention in this situation is essential to achieving success. Our experienced staff will guide you and your teen in the right direction. After this intervention, they can receive the care and treatment needed to understand and overcome their mental health concerns. The sooner you intervene, the more difficulty you will save your teen, you, and your family. Don’t hesitate to seek out an intervention program to get your teen the treatment they need.

Reach Out to Imagine Fort Collins Today

When you observe mental health struggles and severe behavioral issues in your children, don’t wait to seek help. Crisis intervention for teens can make a difference. To learn more about our services, contact us today online or call us at 888.291.2309.

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