Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in teens. In 2018, suicide was the second-leading cause of death among Americans ages 10 to 24. Suicidal ideation and attempts continue to be on the rise in teens. It is critical then that you know and can spot suicide warning signs, and understand that with the help of treatment programs, the teens in your life can get the help they need to fully realize their potential as happy, healthy adults. If you are worried that your teen is suffering, contact us online or call 888.291.2309 today.
Teen Suicide
Suicide is when a person ends their own life. It can be an impulsive act or pre-planned. However, not all suicide attempts lead to death. Often, an attempt does not mean that your teen wants to succeed, but rather that they are calling out for help in the most desperate and dramatic way. You must be able to see warning signs of suicidal ideation and action and usher your teen into the professional care they need and deserve to heal and learn to cope with all that ails them.
Anyone can struggle with thoughts of suicide, teens included. In fact, the teenage years are especially difficult and stressful. Many different things can affect your teen’s mood and behavior. Their body is changing rapidly, and they are dealing with hormones. Your teen can feel pressure from friends, family, and teachers. Teens may struggle with intimate relationships, self-esteem, and body image issues. They may be dealing with negative events in their life at home, work, and school too. There will likely be warning signs of suicide that you will be able to notice and step in to offer professional care before an attempt is made.
The Increase of Suicidal Ideation in Teens
Experts aren’t sure why the statistics show an increase in the warning signs of suicide in teens, but some possible reasons include:
- Easier access to guns
- Increased use of alcohol
- Influence of social media
- Isolation
- Society strife and division
- Political coups
- The rising cost of therapy
Another theory is that the rise in teen suicides may be because fewer teens are receiving the treatment they need to address their anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Untreated depression is one of the glaring suicide warning signs, making treatment programs designed especially for teens, like the ones at Imagine Fort Collins, literally life-saving.
10 Suicide Warning Signs
Teens who have been exposed to violence, life-threatening events, or traumatic losses are at greater risk for depression, substance abuse, and suicide. Adults should be observant of the warning signs of suicide in teens who may be more vulnerable because of their individual circumstances. This includes teenagers who have experienced:
- A loss of a family member or close friend
- Physical or emotional abuse
- Previous traumatic event
- Depression or another mental illness
Boys commit suicide more often than girls, but no one is clear of the danger during the teen years. The warning signs of suicide can include:
- Having thoughts of committing suicide
- Threatening to hurt themselves
- Writing or making other art focused on dying (including ‘practice’ suicide notes)
- Increased substance abuse, including abuse of alcohol and drugs
- Feeling they have no purpose
- Anxiety or hopelessness
- Withdrawing from friends, family, and usual activities
- Acting reckless and impulsive
- Having dramatic mood changes
- Sudden changes in physical appearance and personal habits
If you think that your teen has any of the warning signs for suicide, don’t ignore them. Trust your instincts and seek professional help available at Imagine Fort Collins.
Find Help at Imagine Fort Collins
Suicide is rarely a spur-of-the-moment decision. In the days and hours before teens attempt suicide, there will be suicide warning signs. If you believe your teen is at risk of suicide, contact Imagine Fort Collins today using our secure online form or call us at 888.291.2309 to learn more about how we can help them.